UPDATED: Here is what the New Mexico Lobos fans are excited for.

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Fans of all ages, including over 15,000 Lobo supporters, filled the stands to cheer for the UNM men’s basketball team last Saturday afternoon.

Sandy Gordon, a devoted season ticket holder, shared her longstanding passion for Lobo basketball, dating back to the era of Norm Ellenberger. Gordon reminisced about her trips to Las Vegas for the Mountain West Tournament, where she would enjoy both the women’s and men’s games, along with some leisurely shopping in between. Although she and her friend Marsha Candela have decided against visiting Sin City this year, they find watching basketball at The Pit to be more than fulfilling.

Candela, an alumna from the 1980s, attributes her teaching career in Los Lunas to her time at UNM. Both women emphasize their unwavering support for the team through ups and downs, noting recent improvements under the current coach and the excitement surrounding the talented players.

Despite a recent loss to the Air Force Falcons, the fans remain enthusiastic about the ongoing season, highlighting the electrifying atmosphere at The Pit during games. The men’s team has one more home game against Fresno State on March 6 before the Mountain West Tournament, while the women’s team has two home games remaining against San Diego State on February 28 and Nevada on March 2.

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