SAD NEWS:  Tully bevilaqua just signed the document for his divorce from his wife due to….

PICTURE BY NIC ELLIS 19 DECEMBER 2014 THE WEST AUSTRALIAN FAIRFAX AND AUSTRALIAN FINANCIAL REVIEW OUT WA basketball great Tully Bevilaqua with her American wife Lindsay and their children, Parker, three and Mackenzie, one.

Tully Bevilaqua sat at his kitchen table, the late afternoon light casting long shadows across the room. In front of him lay a document that would soon seal the end of a chapter in his life—a chapter filled with love, laughter, but also pain and heartache. The divorce papers were neatly arranged, every line filled with the cold, unyielding language of legality. His pen hovered above the signature line, his hand trembling slightly.

It wasn’t supposed to end this way, Tully thought. When he married Lisa, they had dreams of a life together, dreams that once felt within reach. They had shared countless memories—birthdays, holidays, quiet evenings spent talking about everything and nothing. But over time, something had shifted. The connection that once felt so strong began to fray, slowly at first, then more rapidly, until they were no longer able to bridge the growing divide between them.

It wasn’t just one thing that brought them to this point, but a series of events, misunderstandings, and unmet needs. Tully knew that both he and Lisa had made mistakes. The late nights at work, the missed calls, the arguments that seemed to spiral out of control—all of it had taken a toll. But it was the silence that had been the most unbearable. The long stretches of quiet, where neither of them could find the words to heal the wounds that had been inflicted, had made it clear that they were no longer the couple they once were.

The decision to divorce had not been an easy one. They had tried counseling, tried to rekindle the love they once shared, but in the end, they both realized that they were holding on to something that no longer existed. Tully loved Lisa and always would, but he knew that letting go was the only way for both of them to find peace and perhaps, in time, happiness again.

As Tully signed his name on the dotted line, he felt a mixture of emotions—sadness, relief, and a sense of finality. The document represented the end of their marriage, but it also signified the beginning of a new chapter for both of them. He set the pen down, folded the papers, and placed them in the envelope. It was done. Now, all that was left was to move forward, one step at a time.

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