Midfielder opens up on Rangers contract negotiations and Clement relationship.

John Lundstram on Rangers avenging Champions League failure to launch -  YouTube

John Lundstram has been speaking ahead of Saturday’s Premiership clash with Dundee at Ibrox.

Here is everything he had to say.

Have you had a chat with the manager about where he sees you playing?

Not like an individual chat but more collectively what he wants from the lads. He does want a lot more forward play. He just wants everyone’s first thought to always be a forward pass which has been working well for us. It’s something I’ve been trying to really focus on.

Are you comfortable with where he’s asking you to play?

Yeah, it’s not dissimilar to where I played under a lot of managers here and a lot of managers in my career. Anywhere in midfield’s fine.

How’s the squad feeling ahead of a huge week?

It’s a big week and it’s going to be a massive test. Tomorrow in a different way, a home game against Dundee so we have to get over the line and get three points and then we can move onto two massive games after that. First and foremost we’ve got to get past a big test tomorrow and that’s our sole focus at the minute then we can move on from there.

How do you reflect on the win at Tynecastle?

I quite enjoyed it, to be honest. I thought we didn’t play our best game but I thought the grit and determination shone through. To go to Hearts, it’s not an easy place to go. We’ve been to Hearts before and played well and not got points. We’ve been to other grounds, went to Aberdeen away, dominated the game for 75 minutes completely and didn’t get the result we wanted. I enjoyed it in a different type of way. It wasn’t free-flowing football and we made wrong decisions at times but I loved the grit and togetherness we showed.

How important is that fight and togetherness with the games coming up?

I think so, yeah. I think every type of win like that just builds and builds that togetherness. It’s not a bad sign to win when you’re not playing great so long may that continue.

How are you feeling personally with the games coming ahead?

I love it. I just love playing games and I want it no other way. I’ve never really been a fan of the rotation, personally. I know a lot of managers do like that but I’d rather if I’m chosen. Some managers like to say, ‘You can have a rest this week.’ I’ve not ever really been a fan of that so I’m loving my time under the new manager and thankfully he has been picking me.

Have you had talks with the club about extending your contract?

That’s just between me and the club. It’s personal between me and the club so I’d rather keep it at that.

Why is the togetherness so evident?

I can’t put my finger on it completely but we’ve had a good run of games, winning games. We had a couple of draws in there as well but there is just a nice feel around the club at the minute. I think winning games just adds to that. It just naturally comes when you’re winning so hopefully we can just keep building on that team spirit because I think that’s where success comes. You see the successful teams, it’s always built on a strong foundation and togetherness so the more we can build on that I’m sure it’ll help us along the way.

Can you tell us how the manager works?

There are lots of meetings. We have to have lots of meetings because there’s so many games. There are lots of meetings and lots of analysis on other teams but his message is clear, he just wants us to play with that grit and determination and he wants us to play forward a lot more as soon as we can. I think that’s probably been evident in a lot of our games. We play forward and try and get the ball in the opposition’s box where it’s most dangerous. That’s probably the biggest thing but he’s been great and the lads are enjoying it.

Has he had a 1-2-1 with you?

Yeah, bits and bobs. As I say, it’s tough because there’s that many games. I’m sure he would’ve loved it to just be Saturday to Saturday but there’s that many games coming it’s just always about the next opposition. Obviously, when he can grab you here and there he does and he’ll tell you what he thinks and what he thinks you can improve on. I think just the mentality he’s brought into the squad is probably the biggest thing. It’s just a real winning mentality.

This could be a massive week for the club, couldn’t it?

Definitely. We have to lay a good foundation tomorrow and then going forward we can give it a right go against Betis and then there’s a cup final to play for so it’s a real exciting week for everyone involved. I’m sure everyone in the dressing room wants to play as well.

You seem to be a favourite with the manager and previous managers, you must take that as a compliment?

Yeah, looking back at my time under previous managers, we’ve had some ups and downs and massive ups with the club so I look back with all of them with some fond memories and some not so great memories because we just want to win at the end of the day. When you lose a game you’re disappointed but I’m happy just to play for this club. I’ve never shone away from that, I enjoy it here.

Is it tough having so many midfield partners?

Ideally you want to try and build something. That would be the ideal world but I’m sure any manager would love his 11 to be there and everyone firing on all cylinders never mind injuries and loss of form. I’m sure every manager in the world would want that but everyone in that changing room is capable of filing a role so it’s no problem.

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