Lobos new principles that serve as the foundation for the team’s approach

New Mexico Lobos move into AP Top 25

Lobos supporters have undoubtedly noticed the recent flurry of activity on social media showcasing the team’s workouts, accompanied by new hashtags. But what’s with the players donning plain white shirts sans numbers? And what’s the significance of the phrase “Earned Not Given”?

The sight of players clad in simple white tees devoid of numbers isn’t just a stylistic choice; it embodies the ethos of Lobo Football, where nothing is handed out freely – it’s all about earning one’s place. The absence of numbers emphasizes the notion that every player is valued as an individual, part of a cohesive family rather than mere statistics.

The essence of this new era of Lobo Football defies a simple explanation; it’s a meticulously crafted vision rooted in deliberate planning rather than happenstance. Coach Bronco Mendenhall, drawing from his extensive experience, has instilled guiding principles that serve as the foundation for the team’s approach.

These principles, ingrained in Coach Mendenhall and his staff from their tenure at programs like BYU and Virginia, are not new. They’ve been honed over years of success and are now being implemented at UNM with the goal of achieving similar results.

Buy-in from players hasn’t been a challenge; the guiding principles were integral to UNM’s recruitment efforts and have resonated with both new recruits and existing players alike. Despite the typical turnover associated with coaching changes, the team has shown remarkable cohesion and commitment to embracing this new era.

This commitment is evident in various aspects, from the intensity of the team’s workouts to their engagement with the community. The pride exhibited by the 2024 Lobo squad reflects their belief in the direction the program is heading.

In the coming weeks, Coach Mendenhall and his staff will unveil the guiding principles of this new era, each embodying the overarching theme of “Family: First, Last, Always.” These principles, ranging from “Everybody is Somebody” to “Make It a Masterpiece,” collectively form a comprehensive game plan for the future of Lobo Football.

As fans embark on this journey with the team, they’ll gain insight into how each principle shapes the players and coaches’ approach to the game. It’s a holistic strategy aimed at fostering a culture of excellence and unity within the program.

With the dawn of this new era, Lobo Football is poised for a transformative journey, and fans are encouraged to embrace the excitement of what lies ahead.

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