Fans of Notre Dame, good bye, and never forget that this is meant to be enjoyable.

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To all of my parents, “Inside the Irish” supporters, and “Inside the Irish” adversaries:
To my beloved bartenders in South Bend, bad influences, and lifelong colleagues:
Primarily, cherished supporters of Notre Dame, viewers of Notre Dame, and somewhat hopeful Irish supporters of 2024 —

Yes, that final set of individuals is meant to be sincere. From the standpoint of managing its roster, Notre Dame has managed its offseason almost exactly as smoothly as anyone could have desired.

The two new offensive assistants that Irish head coach Marcus Freeman brought on board are coaches who have built more successful offences than Notre Dame has seen in a while. For the second straight winter, the Irish also acquired maybe the best quarterback available.

College football in this era requires elite offensive schemes. With one of the nation’s most reliable and adaptable defences, Notre Dame defensive coordinator Al Golden has elevated the Irish floor to double digit victories; yet, the school’s offensive potential will always be the deciding factor in the program’s current potential.

This new-look offence, with a potential first- or second-round NFL draft selection at quarterback, combined with a stifling defence can and should be a source of hope.

Even if the Irish are not able to host a Playoff game, finish in the top eight following the regular season, or carry on the Notre Dame tradition of chasing a title in their third year, they can still have a lot of fun the following season.

That Saturday should still be cherished even if the Irish lose in the most crucial situations, as they did against Ohio State on the goal line, if aspirations for an 11-1 season are destroyed at USC, or if ideas of a 10-2 playoff run turn into 9-3 frustrations.

I will have been working at this job for seven years on Friday. During that time, Notre Dame has gone 73-17. I have watched 48 of the team’s victories and 10 of its defeats; I have missed one to attend a funeral and one to attend a wedding.

I questioned some of Keith Arnold’s followers why they frequently read his writing before I decided to follow in his footsteps. I am grateful to Keith for suggesting me for this position, which I believe I have since justified. The quotation I used in my introduction will be the one I consider in my closing remarks.

We value authors who share our insane enthusiasm for ND football while maintaining a professional demeanour that allows them to stand back from the absurdity and see things in a different light. We are knowledgeable, intelligent sports fans. We prefer a sober analysis than a snap judgement.

By definition, the knee-jerk reaction is overly narrow-minded. And that’s what any devoted fandom specialises in. It was a mistake to discount Freeman’s future potential because Notre Dame only fielded ten defenders to seal the defeat to the Buckeyes. It would have been like double on a ten against an ace if the Irish had not committed seven turnovers in a row against Louisville and Clemson.

Although Casey McCall is capable of defending his blackjack decision, doing so only highlights the error.

For those who are not familiar with the moniker, McCall is a reference to “Sports Night.” During the inaugural season, which began approximately two years after yours really began covering Notre Dame football by yelling out the garage window when Allen Rossum returned the opening kickoff for a touchdown after Purdue, McCall devoted an episode to bemoaning the decisions made by a coach, much like Irish fans did following Ohio State.

With the game on the line, McCall made a stupid play on fourth down and appeared prepared to publicly criticise the head coach of his former school. It’s hardly the first foolish action he’s taken. As a pundit and analyst, I’m carrying out my duties.

Before McCall could vent his grievances, his love rival took the time to deeply concur with McCall regarding the play-calling error. Given that specific person’s statement, the sports anchor thought a little more about the whole concern.

“I’ve had three days to think about it, he had seven seconds,” McCall remarked. Therefore, I found it much easier to make that choice than he did. I’ll tell you what play I would have called, though, since you asked. When I give it some thought? I’m not sure.

Though it’s fiction, the B-plot was grounded on a reality that many sports fans are familiar with but not enough recall. Those feelings obscure the sole emotion that matters while watching these games.

It’s supposed to be fun.

If Notre Dame loses to USC to close next season, the better thing to remember will be the group you are watching with. Maybe it is another young father. Perhaps some old college buddies have found a reunion following Thanksgiving. Best-case, your father is watching the game with your nephew.

The redeeming value of fandom is who you are fans alongside.

The anger, the frustration, the excessive lamenting only take away from the entire point of being a fan. Furthermore, those reactions are often, if not always, misguided.

If Annie Savoy were ever to ask me what I believe in, that would make the list.

I believe it is in our fall that we become legends. After all, Joe Frazier fell five more times after that iconic call before they stopped the fight. I believe ducks fly together, music sounds best loudest and fire burns brightest at night. The only food worthy of being capitalized is Bacon. That isn’t because of Francis, that’s because of the wonders of pig fat. And I believe sports fans would be blessed with a touch more self-awareness, a glass more bliss in their fandom, a better appreciation for failures among successes.

Those bounties of valleys make a single peak the moment to remember.

Thank you for reading for seven years, for reaching out, for caring so irrationally.

But now, it’s late Friday afternoon. I believe I’ll have a beer. I know a bar that serves them by the 20-ounce mug. I bet I have two.
– Douglas.

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